About Quantum Solutions Ltd.

Quantum Solutions Ltd. provides tailored-made services and solutions, exploiting synergies of cutting-edge management techniques, advanced IT and communication technologies, in-depth consulting knowledge and first hand practical experience in increasing number or areas.

We rely on a dynamic, multilingual  and multinational team and a wide web of external experts to deliver customized high-end products and services.

Not least, Quantum Solutions Ltd. enjoys direct access to a network of partners and  various international resources, and maintains a large own management knowledge database. 

Our portfolio until recently was dominated by projects and services related to energy production, energy efficiency  and pro-environment technologies. As of end-2015 we started gradually expanding it to new areas. Among them are solutions for civilian use of UAVs, advanced aerial safety and navigation, CASs, command data communications, full-automation of complex industrial processes, as well as certain biotechnologies.    

Recently Quantum Solutions Ltd. launched the Dual Green initiative, aimed, inter alia, at solving the issues with the plastic contamination of open waters, offering own unique technologies. 

The latest product added to Quantum Solutions Ltd. port-folio is GreenEx Consult - an innovative platform to assist meeting the increasing demand for “greening” the businesses and industries.